Do you offer in-home physiotherapy at retirement communities and assisted living facilities?

Yes – I will come to you for your in home physiotherapy treatment in your retirement community or assisted living facility
Remember to schedule your appointment with at least an hour to spare before your lunch or dinner time

Will my insurance cover your in-home physiotherapy visit?

Yes – if your extended health care plan covers physiotherapy treatment, this service is covered in part or whole by your existing health care plan

What will happen at my first visit?

The first session will be approximately 1 hour in length. Full details can be seen on the preparing for my first visit page

What services do you offer?

I offer a full range of physiotherapy services in the comfort of your own home. A detail services list can be seen on my services page

Are you a registered physiotherapist?

Yes – I am a fully licensed and registered physiotherapist. You can read about me on my about page